Are Capybaras Legal in California?


Capybaras, known for their charming and sociable nature, are often considered as exotic pets by animal enthusiasts. However, whether or not you can legally own a capybara in California is a matter of state law and regulations. In this article, we will delve into the legal status of capybaras in California, the associated regulations, and considerations for those interested in having them as pets.

Exotic Pet Laws in California

California has stringent laws and regulations governing the ownership of exotic animals, including capybaras. The state classifies exotic animals based on factors such as potential danger to humans, risks to local ecosystems, and the animal’s welfare.

Capybaras fall under the category of “wild animals” according to California law. As such, owning a capybara in California is subject to specific regulations and restrictions.

Permit Requirements

To legally own a capybara in California, you typically need to obtain a special permit or license. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is the agency responsible for issuing permits for the possession of wild animals. Prospective capybara owners must meet certain criteria and adhere to strict guidelines, including:

  1. Secure Enclosure: You must provide a secure and suitable enclosure for the capybara to prevent escapes and ensure the animal’s well-being.
  2. Zoning Regulations: Compliance with local zoning regulations and ordinances is crucial. Some areas may prohibit the ownership of capybaras or other exotic animals.
  3. Animal Welfare: Demonstrating the ability to meet the animal’s physical and psychological needs is a key consideration in permit approval.
  4. Health and Safety: You must ensure that the capybara does not pose a risk to public health and safety.

Considerations for Prospective Capybara Owners

Before pursuing ownership of a capybara in California, it’s essential to consider several factors:

  1. Permit Costs: Acquiring the necessary permits can be expensive, and the process may involve inspections and compliance checks.
  2. Space Requirements: Capybaras are large animals and require ample space for exercise and socialization.
  3. Social Nature: Capybaras are highly social creatures and thrive when kept in pairs or small groups.
  4. Long-Term Commitment: Capybaras have a lifespan of around 8 to 10 years, and owners should be prepared for a long-term commitment.


While capybaras are fascinating and friendly animals, owning one in California involves navigating complex legal requirements and permit processes. To ensure the well-being of the animal and compliance with state regulations, prospective capybara owners must be prepared to meet all the necessary criteria and obligations.

It is essential to consult the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and local authorities for the most up-to-date information on exotic pet ownership laws in your specific area within the state. Additionally, seeking guidance from experts and veterinarians with experience in caring for capybaras can help you make informed decisions about owning these unique creatures while ensuring their health and happiness.